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She has a degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Maringá (1996), a master's degree in Agronomy (Plant Genetic Improvement) from the State University of Maringá (1999) and a doctorate in Agronomy (plant genetic improvement) from the State University of Maringá (2004). She is currently an associate professor at the State University of Paraná, Campus Paranavaí. She has experience in the area of Education, working mainly on the following themes: teaching, didactic resources, environmental education, education and technologies. Coordinator of the Master of Education: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training, 2018-2021 management.

Graduated in Pedagogy from UFPR, specialization in Psychopedagogy from FAFIUV, Master’s Degree in Education from UEPG, line of research in teacher training. PhD in Education from UFPR, line of research history and historiography of education. Adjunct professor in the Pedagogy Course at the State University of Paraná, in a Full-Time Exclusive Dedication regime. Teacher in the Master of Education: interdisciplinary teacher training (PPIFOR). She served as Director of Programs and Projects at Prograd (2018-2020) and the Permanent Forum to Support Teacher Education in the state of Paraná. Leader of the Center for Cataloging, Studies and Research in the History of Education (NUCATHE / Unespar). Participant in the Center for Studies and Research in the History of Training and Educational Practices (NUHFOPE / UFPR). Associate of the Brazilian Society for the History of Education (SBHE). She develops research in the area of ​​the history of education and teacher training. Ad-hoc evaluator of MEC / INEP for undergraduate courses. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Research and Teaching Magazine and Academy of Letters from Vale do Iguaçu Magazine (ALVI). Occupant of the seat number 14 of the Academy of Letters from Vale do Iguaçu, ALVI.

PhD in Education (PPE / UEM). Master in Education (PPE / UEM). Graduated in History (UEM) and Pedagogy (FAINSEP). Adjunct Professor C / TIDE of the Pedagogy course at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR) Campus of Paranavaí and the Master's in Teaching: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training (PPIFOR). She was dean of undergraduate education at UNESPAR (2017-2020). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Program for Population Studies / Archeology, Ethnology and Ethno-History Laboratory (CCH-UEM). Develops research in the area of public policies for the area of indigenous school education and higher education for indigenous people with an emphasis on policies developed in the State of Paraná, with experience in training indigenous teachers and producing didactic material.

Researcher Professor in Education. Graduated in a Bachelor's Degree in Letters from the State University of Maringá (1986), specialization in Didactics and Teaching Methodology from the University North of Paraná (1997), master's degree in Fundamentals of Education from the State University of Maringá (2004), doctorate in Education from the State University of Maringá (2011) and postdoctoral in History from the State University of São Paulo - Unesp Campus de Assis, with postdoctoral fellowship in the History of Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca - Spain, in the year 2018. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at the State University of Paraná - Campus of Paranavaí and Professor of the Postgraduate Program - Master's Course in Teaching - Interdisciplinary Teacher Training at Unespar / Paranavaí. He has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Fundamentals of Education and Educational Policies, acting mainly on the following themes: History of Education and childhood; Social Transformation, Education and Teaching; State and Public Policies for Education and Childhood, Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education and Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education. He is the leader responsible for the Group for Studies and Research in State, History, Policies and Education-GEPEHPE, registered at GP-CNPq. ORCID:

Graduated in Pedagogy from State University of Maringá (2002), Master in Education from State University of Maringá (2005), PhD in Education from the State University of Maringá (2010), Post-Doctorate in Education from State University of Maringá and Internship at University of Salamanca (2017). She is currently an effective professor (Adjunct A) at the UNESPAR Pedagogy Collegiate, Paranavaí campus, professor at the Graduate Program in Education - PPE, at the State University of Maringá - UEM and professor at the Graduate Program in Teaching: Teacher Training Interdisciplinary - PPIFOR of the State University of Paraná UNESPAR – Paranavaí campus. She is the leader of the Research Group on Education and Teaching in Medievality, Modernity and Contemporaneity-GPEMC, integrates the Research Group: Social Transformations and Education in Antiquity and Medievality-GTSEAM / UEM. She is part of the GEMYR-Grupo de Estudios Medievales y Renascentistas-Madrid- Spain. She has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on the management and teaching of Basic Education. In Higher Education, her experience is in the training of teachers. In the scope of the research, the studies developed are centered on Education, Teaching, History of Education and Philosophy of Education.

He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the State University of Maringá (2002), a Master's Degree from the Postgraduate Program in Education for Science and Mathematics (2006) from the State University of Maringá and a Doctorate from the same Program (2013). Post-doctorate by the Graduate Program in Science Teaching and Mathematical Education at the State University of Londrina (2019). He has experience in the area of ​​Mathematical Education, with an emphasis on Inclusive Mathematical Education, working mainly with the deafness theme. Editor of Paranaense Journal of Mathematical Education. Professor at the State University of Paraná-Campus de Campo Mourão, as well as the Master's Degree in Teaching: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training (PPIFOR) - Paranavaí Campus. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education at the State University of Paraná, Campo Mourão campus. Leader of the Study and Research Group on Deafness and Mathematics Education. Co-founding member of GT13 of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education: Difference, Inclusion and Mathematical Education.

Graduation in Pedagogy with School Supervision from University of Western São Paulo (1996), specialization in Didactics from Teaching Association from Marília (1987), specialization in Training of Academic Educators for Distance Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2003), Master in Education from State University of Ponta Grossa (2005) and PhD in School Education from UNESP - Campus of Araraquara / SP (2012). Since 2006 she has been a professor at the State University of Paraná-UNESPAR-Campus of Paranavaí, in the Pedagogy course. In 2013 she joined the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program, Academic Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Teacher Training - PIPIFOR. Leader of the research group GTPEC (registered and certified by CNPq) - Studies of pedagogical theories and practices in the critical perspective of school education - which seeks to investigate the theories of education to analyze the pedagogical practices developed in public schools of basic education, with an emphasis on initial years of elementary school and from the perspectives of historical-critical pedagogy and historical-cultural psychology. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on literacy, teaching and didactic practice, working mainly on the following themes: literacy, early years of elementary school, teaching methodologies, didactics, historical-critical theory and historical-cultural theory.

She has a degree in Pedagogy from São Paulo State University (2003), specialization in Psychopedagogy from the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Presidente Venceslau (2006), specialization in Qualification for Early Childhood Education from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology - UNESP (2005), master's degree in Education from the State University of Ponta Grossa (2009) and doctorate in Science and Technology Teaching from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (2020). She is currently a full professor at the State University of Paraná, Member of the editorial board of ENSINO & PESQUISA, Member of the editorial board of LUMINÁRIA (UNIÃO DA VITÓRIA), Member of the editorial board of PERSPECTIVAS ONLINE (CAMPOS DOS GOITACAZES), Member of the Scientific Committee on Education Publishing House CRV and member of the editorial board of TRAVESSIAS. She has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on Teaching-Learning. Acting mainly on the following themes: Early Childhood Education, Continuing Education, CTS Approach.

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014), Master in Education from the State University of Maringá (2000), Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Maringá (1992). Adjunct Professor at the Collegiate of Pedagogy and in the Graduate Program in Teaching: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training - PPIFOR, at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Paranavaí campus. She coordinates the Study and Research Group on Work and Education in the Sociability of Capital (GEPTESC / CNPQ / UNESPAR) and is a researcher at the Study Group on Capital, Work and Education (GECATE / CNPQ / UFSC). Researching in the areas of work and education, teacher training and fundamentals of education.

He holds a PhD (2010) and a Master's (2005) from PPG Education for Science, from São Paulo State University - UNESP, campus of Bauru - SP. Degree in Biological Sciences (2002) by UNESP, Bauru - SP (2002). He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Sciences and Nutrition and Food Sciences (CHNA), at the Biosciences Institute at UNESP, in Botucatu. He is an evaluator and integrates the Bank of Evaluators of the National Higher Education Evaluation System-BASis of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), for institutional evaluation and courses in the area of ​​Biological Sciences. He acted as an Evaluator of works enrolled in the National Book and Didactic Material Program (PNLD) in 2019. He is a permanent professor accredited by the Postgraduate Program in Teaching: Interdisciplinary Teacher Training (PPIFOR), at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), campus of Paranavaí - PR. He is also a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing-Professional Master's at the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu (FMB / UNESP). He is the leader of the Media-Education Research Group, Teacher Training and Science Teaching. He is the coordinator of the Teaching Centers at UNESP Botucatu campus. Coordinator of the academic cooperation agreement between UNESP and UNESPAR (PR). He was pedagogical coordinator of the Atena Pre-University Course of the Biosciences Institute of Botucatu-IBB (UNESP) in the cities of Botucatu and São Manuel-SP (2017-2020). At UNESP he is responsible for the disciplines related to the Supervised Internship in Science and Biology. He was a professor in the disciplines of Biology and Physical and Biological Sciences at Rede Estadual Paulista, working from 2003 to 2010 in Basic Education. He is interested in research in the areas of Media-Education, Teacher Education; Science Teaching Methodology; Science Dissemination; Health education.

Professor of the permanent faculty of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Teacher Education at the State University of Paraná - Campus of Paranavaí. Graduated in History from São Paulo State University (1998) and Master in Sociology of Work from São Paulo State University - Unesp / Marília (2002). PhD in Sociology from São Paulo State University - Unesp / Araraquara. Leader of the Research Group on Labor Economics, Education and Regional Development, registered with CNPq. He has teaching experience in the areas of Sociology, History, Education and Teaching, working mainly with the themes: Modernity, Work, Globalization, with an emphasis on issues that address: youth, sociability, education, teaching, flexible work, social estrangement and teacher training.

Graduated in Physics (degree) from the State University of Maringá - UEM (1992). She worked in high school as a chemistry and physics teacher. In 1999 she started a postgraduate course, at the level of specialization, in the area of ​​Chemistry: "Chemistry in Everyday Life" from the State University of Maringá-UEM. Continuing her professional development, she completed a master's and doctorate in the area of ​​Condensed Matter Physics-UEM and in 2016, post-doctorate in Physics Teaching. The master's work dealt with the magnetic properties of metal alloys and the doctorate on the magnetic, structural and hyperfine properties of the oxides defined as 'garnets'. The postdoctoral approached: "A qualitative discussion on the implantation of the National Common Curricular Base - a look at the Natural Sciences and their technologies. She is an Associate Professor at the State University of Paraná - UNESPAR / Campus of Paranavaí since 2008, acting in the coordination of the PIBID (Biological Sciences), emphasizing Science Teaching, in undergraduate courses, in Biological Sciences and Mathematics courses and in Stricto Senso postgraduate courses. "Theoretical foundations in Teaching and Learning"